Muslims Censor Free Speech at NYU
Nickolas Provenzo has the details at Rule of Reason. Event info here, please attend if you can.
Update: Michelle Malkin has more info.
Update 2: LGF is now also carrying the story. And shame on NYU for caving like that, better to have admitted their complete cowardice initially, rather than jacking around so many courageous people who had intended on attending the event.
Update 3: Diana reports that ARI is still asking supporters to attend the event, even if they aren't admitted in (see update 2 to her post). As a personal note, I went to the UCI event a month or so ago and didn't get in to the auditorium, but it was still very worthwhile to be outside, not only to see the Muslim mob first hand, but more importantly to let them know that they will not eradicate our freedoms unopposed.
Update 4: Here's my letter to NYU
Update 5: Thanks to Jason at IBA for his mention of the letter writing campaign.
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