Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SLC Jewel Box "Scheherrazade"


  1. Awesome, but if it is named after the Queen, the name has but one 'r'.

    Consider Rimsky-Korsakov's symphony in her honor. Scheherazade might be the closest thing to an Ayn Rand that the Middle East could imagine... she inspired Western minds before Rand was born.

    The lead violinist is wonderful, and that is only part 1 of 5!

    There are also pop versions that amaze me. Consider the group calling themselves "Renaissance". They devoted an entire side of an album to Scheherazade. Their switch to "Ocean Gypsy" is still an ode to Scheherazade. Their 'classical' rock wins as "a selective recreation of reality according to the artist's metaphysical value judgments".

  2. Thanks Richard. I just went back and double checked the tag, but they do spell it with two r's. I guess that's the benefit of breeding new hybrids, you can abuse spelling as you see fit. ;-)

    In any case, I concur completely with the rest of your comment. I love Rimsky Korsakov, with Scheherazade being a particular favorite.
