When I was a young postdoc, I found an obvious but important error in a paper by Hal Hatch, a famous plant biochemist who was the co-discoverer of the Hatch and Slack photosynthetic pathway. My supervisor had me labor for nine months to make absolutely certain we had proof before we submitted the rebuttal paper. Much to the surprise of my supervisor (who was nervous about it) that paper got the most stellar review I had ever received. Later we learned that the review had come from Hal Hatch himself. I was lucky my paper was reviewed by the master; not some lesser follower who might not have been so accepting.
Ideas cannot be fought except by means of better ideas. The battle consists not of opposing, but of exposing; not of denouncing but of disproving; not of evading, but of boldly proclaiming a full, consistent and radical alternative.
-- Ayn Rand
When I was a young postdoc, I found an obvious but important error in a paper by Hal Hatch, a famous plant biochemist who was the co-discoverer of the Hatch and Slack photosynthetic pathway. My supervisor had me labor for nine months to make absolutely certain we had proof before we submitted the rebuttal paper.
Much to the surprise of my supervisor (who was nervous about it) that paper got the most stellar review I had ever received. Later we learned that the review had come from Hal Hatch himself. I was lucky my paper was reviewed by the master; not some lesser follower who might not have been so accepting.
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