Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wilderness Bill

I've noticed that Onkar prefers to use the term "wilderness" over "environment" when talking about what the environmentalists are seeking. The reason, I think, is that it emphasizes their total disregard for any of man's needs, and thus it better captures their philosophy and ends. So as bad as this latest bill is, it's nice to see that at least the man-haters are overtly identifying what they're after.


Blogger Burgess Laughlin said...

The choice of the term "wilderness" is indeed appropriate for naming the ultimate value of the nature-worshippers. Wilderness is the sacred place of the movement.

The US Congress passed The Wilderness Act in 1964, that is, nearly half a century ago. The ideological roots of that act probably go back decades before that political symptom.

I suspect the philosophical roots go back at least as far as Theodore Roosevelt's time and possibly back to the Transcendentalists in the mid-1800s. If I were looking further, I would look to the German Romanticists and their glorification of nature (as God's face) over reason.

Wilderness -- which means a space free of the products of reason -- is the heaven of the Environmentalist movement.

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been so focused on the servitude bill that I pretty much missed this thanks for the update. That's pretty sad; all that beautiful land, wasted on grungy backwoods hikers.

8:47 PM  

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