Monday, March 09, 2009

Clever and Biting Marketing

Prevagen Press Release:
A biotech company in Madison, Wisconsin is so concerned about the declining quality of memory among federal government officials that they have volunteered to give away free bottles of brain-enhancing supplements to any member of Congress or the incoming administration who has forgotten to pay taxes within the last 10 years.

“We realize that government employees in positions of responsibility have many important issues on their minds. so it’s easy for items on their personal ‘to-do list’ to slip through the memory cracks,” says Quincy Bioscience president Mark Underwood, formulator of the memory-boosting supplement Prevagen®. (

“We’re confident that after 30-60 days of taking the supplement, most legislators and government officials will recall, without being reminded by aides or reporters, all tax periods for which they have forgotten to pay state or federal income taxes,” said Underwood.

Underwood says Prevagen is so effective at rehabilitating memory that most government officials will even recall times when they failed to make Social Security and Medicare contributions for undocumented household workers.


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