Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Gore's Wet Dream

Finally a solution to "global warming". In a way it would be much more honest if the IPCC, Al Gore, the NRDC, Patagonia, et. al. would get on the bandwagon and explicitly endorse killing off millions of people in the name of their hallucinatory vision of Gaiastasis -- rather than just doing it surreptitiously as has thus far been their habit. HT Classical Values


Blogger XWL said...

I can't believe you linked this piece, what's "pro-reason, pro-egoism, or pro-capitalist" about that disgusting post.

Oh wait, that's my post . . ., nevermind.

Thanks for the link.

(But no thank you for the image of Vice-President Gore 'getting his jollies' that's rolling around my brain right now)

4:32 PM  

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